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Stay fit by indoor exercise in the Rainy Season

Dated-05 Oct 2023 

If you are not able to go out for a walk or exercise due to continuous rain, then we are telling you some tips which you can do at home to stay fit.
Essential points to keep in mind
• Don't skip breakfast. If you want to stay fit or lose weight, then definitely eat a healthy breakfast.
• Drink plenty of water. It is very important to stay hydrated throughout the day.
• Take healthy snacks. Exercise daily and have a good sleep.
Time for workout: Dedicate at least 30 minutes each day for exercise. Choose a time that suits you best, whether it's in the morning or evening. You can even take short 10 to 15-minute walks within your home.
Family Workouts Reduce Stress: Spending time with your family can be enjoyable and beneficial for your health. Health experts suggest that engaging in workouts with your family can help alleviate stress and keep you in good shape. This can also prevent stress-related weight gain.
Keep age in mind: When exercising with your family, consider the varying age groups and individual capabilities. Tailor the exercises to suit everyone's needs. For individuals aged 55 and above, light yoga may be a suitable option.
If anyone follows these tips and engages in home workouts, can continue to prioritize their fitness even when outdoor activities are hindered by bad weather.